Today I want to share an open letter to Dr. Bill Cosby with you all that was written by a man by the name of Byron Smith. Mr. Smith shared his letter to Dr. Cosby on Facebook with a mutual friend and when I read it I asked if I could share it.
I feel like something of this nature must be shared with the masses because it goes against the way every media outlet is pressuring the masses of people to feel about Bill Cosby. Too many people are allowed to express themselves on issues that do not pertain to them at all. They are too often allowed to pass judgement on others while encouraging large groups of people to follow their lead.
This letter helped me to remember the many wonderful ways Bill Cosby impacted my life and so many others around me. Hopefully it can do the same for you. Here it is...
Dr. Cosby, I realize that you may not need words of encouragement from an unknown person. But as someone who has been charged with educating kids in the inner city, I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated. As someone who has encountered unruly and belligerent parents I just want you to know that your efforts are appreciated. I have taught difficult kids but at the end of a school year I have received personal letters of thanks from kids and I never toss them. Although I was in high school when NBC began airing The Cosby Show, I want to personally thank you for developing the show. I tell people all the time that episodes of the show can be referred to and consulted by families facing dilemmas.
I recall the show where Rudy told Cliff and Claire that her teacher didn’t like her and she hid a note from the teacher on top of the bookcase in the living room. Rudy also complained about her project being placed at the bottom of the bulletin board where it couldn’t be seen. Cliff and Claire paid a visit to the teacher, held a conference, and resolved the issue. There was no yelling and no profanity. But today Dr. Cosby when children go home and tell their parents that teachers don’t like them, parents visit school campuses and all hell breaks loose. Sometimes the police have to be summoned.
I appreciate you Dr. Cosby for providing America with an example of how it should be done. I recall the show where Deniece invited Olivia’s mother, Paula, over for Thanksgiving dinner. At different times Martin and Claire questioned Deniece as to whether or not she would have a problem having Martin’s ex-wife over for dinner. Deniece assured them that she was comfortable with it. When Paula arrived there was no catfight. In fact, there was an expression of love and support and an embrace was shared by Paula and Deniece. Today, television is littered with catfights between women who should be setting the same example that you set. Dr. Cosby, these catfights are common on school campuses now because children mimic behavior that they see on television. I appreciate you Dr. Cosby for providing America with an example of how women should treat one another.
Finally, I would like to say that my all-time favorite episode of The Cosby Show is the show where Joe Seneca appeared at Dr. Hanes when the presidency of Hillman College was being transferred. Dr. Hanes charged the elders to mentor the youth. He charged the elders to take the youth to dinner. He said, “That is a Hillman grad! Go pick him up!” That epitomizes what we as a people should all be doing for one another. Dr. Cosby, every time I view that episode I tear up. I tear up because what Dr. Hanes charged the people to do is not being done. But still I appreciate you Dr. Cosby for providing historically Black colleges and universities with an example of how alumni should treat one another. Thank you Dr. Cosby for what you did. In the spirit of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois you showed the world that Black is not only beautiful, but civil, loving, responsible, and supportive. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate you and all of your efforts. By the way, I taught at Compton High School. I was there when you visited. I also attended Maranatha Baptist Church in L.A. when you and Dr. George McKenna spoke to the community. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely, Byron Smith
People like myself, Byron Smith and so many others stand in Bill Cosby's corner. We stand in his corner not because we "hate women" or "rape apologists" or "think powerful men deserve a pass" or whatever type of mindless feminist drivel people wish to attach to our decision. We stand in Bill Cosby's corner because for so long Bill Cosby has stood in our corner and there is plenty of evidence to support that claim.
Anyone, including all those people in Hollywood who have met and worked with and interacted with this man. Anyone willing to turn their back on him right now is showing the world exactly what kind of people/friends they really are. And that is The Worst Kind.
It is entirely too easy for someone to pin something on a celebrity and never have to prove it. Rape is always the best claim to make because it is the hardest to prove and there is a lot of work being done to ensure that the majority of the population will believe rape claims on face value which goes against everything our justice system pretends to be about.
If any of these women are ever able to prove that something along the lines of what they allege took place then at that time I will admit my disappointment with Bill Cosby. Until then, consider me #DownForTheCos.
Last February I chose Bill Cosby as my main man for Black History Month. I am still just as proud of him for all his accomplishments now as I was last year. Thank you, Bill Cosby, from the bottom of my heart, for encouraging us all to be better people. Continue your incredible work.
PS. Thank you also for the wonderfully hilarious "Bill Cosby: Far From Finished".
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