Like, right now, Pharrell is showing just how happy he is by wearing guy-liner. Eye-liner for men. Some of my friends aren't too thrilled about it. And as gay, or happy, or whatever you want to call it, as it looks I cannot give a fuck. I know that I am getting really tired of the internet. This thing seems completely bent on tearing men down and making them look like the villain of the world, so, why would I want any part in it? It has nothing to offer me. In fact, sitting around and thinking about it is unhealthy in itself and I am sure the internet knows this.
I often dream of being successful and making enough money so I can have my own hideaway, but, as a black man, I know that shit isn't going to happen. I have two major things working against me. I'm black and I'm a man. Two things that the average American truly hates. And in this land of opportunity everyone has the opportunity and the right to openly hate against individuals in either or both of these two groups of people. And the easiest place to get away with it is on the internet.
Maybe the internet is a feminist. That means I really need to take a vacation from it. A vacation free of feminism would be the best thing in the world. Because according to this world wide spider web everyone seems to be trapped in, it appears feminist have never had a good day. And why would I constantly subject myself to their shitty attitude about the world? I would be stupid to do that.
A couple days ago I deactivated my Facebook in order to escape all the shit that means nothing to me that people continue to post. You know, all the one-sided equality shit people love to talk about. See, when feminist speak of equal rights for all women that is precisely what they mean. They want all women to be held in high regard even if they aren't doing anything significant. Which really doesn't amount to shit. They want to be special for being born. But, even with my Facebook deactivated, I have still had to land on meaningless stories about how women are treated like less than queens by some horrible creature of a man. This shit has been consistent with everything the internet has had to offer since the year 2000. At first it was funny, but now a lot of people are taking this shit way too seriously. Everyday there is another feminist complaint that has absolutely nothing to do with my life, but I am being forced to listen to or see the news behind it. Terrible. It's a nuisance that won't go away.
Someone on twitter actually said if people don't care about Kesha's situation (involving her sex abuse allegations toward her manager) those people are the reason it took so long for her to say something. Or something like that. I just wanted to say, "No, bitch, that's not the reason. We have nothing to do with the decisions Kesha makes about her own life." And this is the problem with the internet. Everybody wants everybody else to care about something that means nothing to their life. And the reason I have to keep bringing up feminists is because they are the main ones complaining about silly shit all the time. Kind of like the Ghostbusters thing.
These women are all happy that the Ghostbusters will be women now, but, why is it that the only ideas they have that seem to be good ones are ideas men have already made popular? And why then do they want to hijack those ideas? Ghostbusters, Evil Dead, Thor, or allowing Pepper to kill Aldrich Killian in IronMan 3, or allowing April to kill Shredder in the new Ninja Turtles movie. The list goes on and you get the point. It's all bogus, kiss-ass, bullshit. And there's always some guy who never fits in with any group of men that will be in full support of this kind of larceny. It just means that if women want to make the movie money men are making they have to take some of the men's ideas. Because nobody goes to the IMAX to see a love story. That would be a retarded waste of money. People pay IMAX prices for action that will be worth it. However, it is sad that a lot of action movies are so shitty now because the focus is mainly on pleasing women. So, if it's Die Hard 5 no real effort even goes into the movie because it's for men, but, they know the name will make money. And that's where we are with the internet.
The internet pumps out bullshit stories for women to mindlessly get behind and then the women go out and recruit the men in their lives to get behind that shit, too. And the men are so weak they don't even question it. They just take everything women tell them on face value. Men are the worst. That's why women still have over 1300 DNA traits to pass on and men now only have 79. Because men are constantly sacrificing something about themselves in order to please women. What are they sacrificing for us, dude? Have you asked yourself that? Or do you think they don't have to sacrifice anything for us? Because I can tell you a lot of them are okay with it being exactly that way. And when you find yourself in dire need of support the only help you will be receiving will be from another man. Women are not taught to take care of men. Quite the contrary.
So, then John Grisham started a twitter shitstorm over some bullshit. Not really anything to do with feminism, but kind of. More of something crazy bored people can jump on and ride for a while. He asked why are men receiving long prison sentences for viewing nude sexual pictures online involving people 16 and 17yrs old. I have a similar question. Why are drug addicts being thrown in jail more often than drug dealers? but that's another story. It's easy to say a group of people are beyond rehabilitation in order to increase prison numbers that bring the state a lot of money. But, that is also another story.
The shitty thing is everyone is yelling "Save the children!" and in reality they don't give a fuck about the kids. But, while everyone is yelling about victim rights there are kids out there uploading their own sexcapades? When the little 12yr old boy got his dick sucked by an adult woman and uploaded the video to Facebook many people tried to have the video flagged and removed but Facebook said it didn't violate their terms. I assume that's because it involved a young boy with a grown woman. It took hundreds to thousands of complaints to get them to finally remove it. Then there's the young teenage girl who took naked pictures of herself and texted them to people. She had to register as a sex offender. What in the fuck? So, what does that make her? A victim of herself? We are pretty much at the point of starting to believe that anyone under the age of 18 who masturbates is a despicable child molester. I won't be surprised if I see it on the news soon. I don't know. Maybe John Grisham would have been better off if he had made a quick reference to Traci Lords. But, apparently anything someone says that comes across sounding like anti-child-worship or anti-woman-worship is going to be met with swift and unapologetic hate.
Oh, fuck 'em.
If a 90yr old man wants to sit in his house and jerkoff to a fucking Toys R Us catalog, what I don't know ain't gonna hurt me. As long as he isn't fucking the kids in real life I truly don't give a shit what he wants to jerkoff to. I wouldn't care if he jerked off to pictures of me as long as I didn't have to know about it. I'm sure there are a great deal of people who jerkoff to insect intercourse on the discovery channel. Don't ask, don't tell comes to mind. I don't fuckin' need to know. That's their business. Things like that can seriously change your perception of an individual. And basically that's the game. Defamation of character. Look what was said about Michael Jackson for the last decade of his life. Then as soon as he died because all that phony bullshit all those people were sucking his dick. And rightfully so. And hey, people share those fucking beheading videos all the time! I don't want to see that shit either! Another reason to stay offline! Where's the respect for the victims and the families there? Whatever. Who can believe any of that shit when the media tells you a woman was captured and going to be sacrificed by ISIS and they show her "parents" all worried for her, then you find out she's chilling at home watching TV and has no idea about any of it? It's all so bogus.
Oh yeah! And what about the 14yr old Pensylvania boy who took a picture of himself face-fucking the Jesus statue and was looking at doing two years in juvenile hall? Are you fucking kidding me? That shit is beyond ridiculous. I sure didn't see people lining up in his defense. But, dude, this is America. And here in America, people aren't allowed to think for themselves and that's the main point. We are supposed to have a hive mentality on all of our issues like the Borg. Especially when those issues pertain to imprisoning men and boys in high numbers. And if you want to say that something is sick, that's the part that is truly sick.
Plus, the way I look at it, most of these people don't really give a shit about many of these issues they speak so passionately about online. They just say things they think everyone will agree with in order to be part of the in-crowd. That's why I need to take an internet vacation. In 2011 I took a 12 or 13 day break from the internet. Almost two full weeks. I didn't even bother to check my email. I felt so clean. Then some shit happened and I just needed to get back online to see what people were saying about it. It's been all bad ever since.
The incident I'm referring to is the Catherine Keiu Becker incident where the woman cut-off her estranged husband's penis and put it in the garbage disposal. Did this victim receive any sympathy? None at all. Just constant victim blaming and ridicule from all angles. And that's when my disgust with the internet and feminism reached its peak. No one tried to stand up for this man because anyone who did was immediately slapped down by the fat, nasty, greasy, sweaty, feminist hand of "justice". This is why I never buy into any of their victim claiming. Ever since that incident my attitude towards a lot of things has been "That's your problem." Especially when it's a woman's issue. And that's sad because I was never like that before. But I realized that if it were to happen to any heterosexual male, child or adult, that is precisely how people will treat the situation. We (men) are on our own and therefore need to solely think about and for our own well-being and personal best interest.
The best thing I can suggest to all you dudes out there is taking an internet break or a Hollywood break. Shit-- take a break from both. Don't even read magazines or listen to music with words in it. You will feel a whole lot better about who you are and be able to live more comfortably with your own thoughts and feelings that absolutely do not interfere with any other person's life. You are completely free to think and feel what you want as long as what you think and feel doesn't infringe on any other person's way of life.
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