If you hear any of the words or phrases you are about to see coming your way during a conversation, stop the conversation and head out. And beware of blogs and popular online magazines that are paid to hypnotize you with this sloppy shit. Or, if they haven't been paid then the writers are just soft-brain fuckin' idiots who enjoy feeding you negative energy.
Please remember, like all words start off, these words were at one time neutral. Think about that.
Social Construct
Wage Gap
Rape Culture
Rape Apologist
Gender ( I know. It almost sounds like an innocent word. It's not! )
Diversity ( I know. Another one. But these people like perverting words. )
Manterruption ( These last few are just stupid shit made up by retards. )
White Privilege
Male Privilege
Toxic Masculinity
Promoting ANYTHING that ends with IST or ISM
Typically you see these methods used ceaselessly by sources such as Buzz Feed, Jezebel, Huffington Post, UpWorthy, Uproxx, XXL, The Slate... there's a whole bunch of these motherfuckers. At least, with me, you know when I'm bullshittin'. They are serious with their bullshit!
Now, as you can see these people love their brand new compounds. But, I mean, c'mon! Slut-shaming? Fat-shaming? Who the fuck has any shame in America? Perhaps American Privilege should be in place of those two.
Their trick is to keep saying these words and phrases within emotionally charged articles. In these cases the emotions are always completely negative because that's how you are being trained to feel about those words. When you later hear them again they upset you. It's like dog training. And they're training everybody to be a bitch.
There is, in fact, one word that you never hear that can sum up all of the people who use the above words and phrases. It's a word that all of them fear to say or even hear because ... ( drum roll ) ... it's the truth! So, what word is it?
That word is...
Well, what is that? You never heard that word before? It's as if there were people that wanted to keep this word out of the public eye and especially out of the public mouth. These people suffer from onomatophobia.
Some words are too much for them so they are forced to run and hide. If they can't find anywhere to hide and if the people around them don't shut up they may try banning words and phrases. Like, Climate Change, or Global Warming. You know-- chickenshit behavior.
With that in mind I will leave you with the following. Whenever you see the behavior of this word being displayed you call it out. Because the hashtag #KillAllMen does NOT say "except for you". So, whose side are you on, dickface? We don't have to have each other's back, but at least have your own.
We will now take a look at the Merriam-Webster definition of this word because this is America, so fuck Oxford. Be sure to memorize these jewels Webster is dropping on you. You tell me if this word doesn't perfectly describe these weaklings in the world today.
According to Webster this is the definition of the above word.
noun an·dro·pho·bia \ˌan-drə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
an·dro·pho·bic \-ˈfō-bik\ adjective
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